7th and Final Artist Announcement this Saturday 7th July!|MCK5160
5 July 2018
It's a milestone year for Mitchell Creek. Why? It's our 7th year! AND.. This Saturday, 7/7 is our 7th and final artist announcement!
From humble beginnings of nearly 200 people in 2011 to selling out in 2017 MC just gets better as each year passes. In our 7th year we have already named some amazing artists to help celebrate our milestone! This Saturday, we announce the final 7 Artist! We have some exciting plans in store for you so "Get On Board" ,
Mark your calendar - "Last Seven Artists to be announced on SAT 7 July.
Last chance to grab tickets at the best pricing.
Ticket prices will increase next week with our Final artist announcement!
Secure your Tickets now before the Price Increase!
Things you need to do to be prepared for 2018:
- Secure your ticket. It will sell out this year and you don’t wanna miss out!
- Tell all your friends you’re going and encourage them to come too. Tag them on a post!
- Put the dates in the calendar. Tell the boss you’re on holidays or book time off (to be sure!)
- Start planning your accommodation during the festival. Are you camping? Coming with a caravan? Not sure about the options? Ie. early entrance, tent motels, etc.
- Follow/like the Mitchell creek facebook page (if you haven’t already) and drop us a line telling us why
- you are thrilled to be coming for the first time,
- or share your favourite memory from a previous festival with a photo if you can!